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Fan Fiction

I am not really proud to say I have written fan fiction. After all, with the world, the characters, and the mannerisms already often understood and underlying any story set in another's world, it both makes the work less than original, and often a bit difficult to follow for readers unfamiliar with the background. Nevertheless, sometimes excellent stories can be written that are set in other people's worlds.

World of Warcraft

A quick explanation. During my time playing WoW, I spent a considerable amount of non-playing time interacting with role-players on my server's unofficial role-playing forum, the Twisting Nether Gazette, where a number of surprisingly good writers gathered to write stories about their in-game characters. I joined this community for a while, and participated in a number of forum roleplay threads where characters essentially interacted outside of the game, with player's authoring their characters actions in the freeform enabled by this system. Honestly at times I found this experience more enjoyable than the actual game.

In any case, sometimes people's posts about their characters, particularly those involving character backstories, or complex pre-planned dramas between players, would often rival actual short stories in size and detail. Thus, a selection of my most extensive works may eventually be found on this page, if I ever find the motivation to go back and search my old posts for anything else worth adding. You may also go to the aforementioned site and search for anything written by Zethrin or Dakker (the two characters I will ever admit to posting with).


Some conventions are peculiar to roleplayers of MMORPGs. For instance, to speak out of character, double bracks ((such as these)) are used to indicate that what is written is not in-character. Furthermore, an assumption of basic understanding of WoW and the extraordinarily deep lore of the world of Azeroth is often made by writers on the forum. A good source of explanation for all things both lore and game, the WoWWiki site is quite a useful resource.


The Duskbane Legacy (Original Thread) - An epic, overdramatic saga that I wrote in preparation for my triumphant return to the game (which was short-lived and short-sighted). A number of parts are borrowed from some of my earlier posts, partly as a way to collect the 'best of' in one place. Details my characters motivations, as well as an attempt to explain in role-playing terms, one of the more odd phenomena of MMORPGs. I will be the first to admit my character the blood elf paladin 'Zethrin' is way too overdramatic for his own good, and apologize in advance for the rather over-the-top nature of this work.