| Main | C++ | Java | Web-Based | VB | RPG | Board |

I am one of the founding members of Dreamyth, an indie game development team.

From time to time, I've dabbled in game design for fun. I dream about turning this into something more than just a hobby, but I'll admit I have a long way to go.

C++ - Some efforts at writing games in the language that most games these days are written in...

Java - A sample of my attempts to expand my game development ambitions into true object-oriented programming.

Web-Based - Games you can play from your browser, no download required.

Visual Basic - A bunch of complete and incomplete games created during some of my free time in high school.

RPG - A few homebrew tabletop RPG systems, as well as some random D&D related world building done as a side project between university semesters.

Board Game Related - Some experiments in board game design.