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C++ Games

Some efforts at writing games in the language that most games these days are written in...

Space Shooter Game Demo

Another attempt at a Space Invaders-style game, but this time in C++ and with 3D graphics using OpenGL. A somewhat more complex game with regenerating shields and weapons using energy and stuff. Actually worked out to be a bit more like Star Fox than Space Invaders. I actually wrote this as a final project for a Computer Graphics course. The demo version shown here was hacked together in about two days with minimal sleep. The final build was completed three days later, though I spent a lot of that time working on the report rather than programming new stuff.

Update (2015/01/15): Finally got around to figuring out the mystery of why the game wouldn't run without the debugger installed. Turns out a library I was using was compiled in debug mode... -_-;;; Anyways, current version no longer requires that hassle.

Update (2014/07/07): Discovered that for some reason the game will only run if you have installed Microsoft Visual C++ Express Edition. I am therefore providing a download of the installer for this program here. And yes, I tried switching to "release" mode and installing the Redistributable files and for some strange reason I can't for the life of me figure out, the only way I've gotten it to work is to actually install the Express Edition.

Update (2011/01/01): Discovered that I'd included the wrong file(s) in the .zip package. The current package now includes glut32.dll and msvcr90d.dll, which should allow systems without these files to run the game properly.

Latest Final Build: Space Shooter Game (Final Project Complete Version 1.02)



Status: Design document. Early prototyping.
A civilization style strategy game with far more depth than anything previously seen. Will attempt to actually model societies and economics in such a way that different systems of government will actually change game mechanics substantively.

Star Dragoon

Status: Design document.
A tactical shooter game similar to a cross between Raptor and StarFox, with RPG elements. Was originally going to be another 2D shoot 'em up, but that seems overdone now. Latest concept will probably be 3D using OpenGL.

Tales of Fantasy

Status: Design document.
This is a semi-tactical RPG in the same line as Final Fantasy, with a retro look and feel using 2D sprites and a deep, lengthy scripted storyline. It will differentiate itself by applying and modifying the D20 system.