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For a brief while Flash (then made by Macromedia before it got eaten by Adobe) was seen as the way to make amateur animations of some quality without all the difficulties, combined with easy distribution to challenge the dominance of traditional media. Alas, such technology still does not make up for lack of professional skill... Nevertheless, here's some of my more interesting attempts at using Flash.

Somewhat More Recent Projects

What Does Orientation Mean? - My answer to a question for my TC Application in 2006

Early Work

Star-Crossed Farewell - From 2002, one of my earliest real attempts at using Flash to tell a story. This was my final project for a Flash 5.0 For Teens course I took waayy back in grade 10 or something. I never bothered to create a proper loader so you will probably have to wait up to a few minutes for this to download. And yes, I know it's not much considering what people do nowadays.

Darklight Symbol - A neat but really rather insignificant little animation I made in 2002.

Maverick Dreamers: Episode 1 - This started off as just playing around, but later turned into my final field report for media studies in 2003. In retrospect, almost hilariously awful, but back then when I spent 20 hours of life making it, I thought it was sooo awesome. How times have changed. I published it in a now outdated quicktime format, and if it doesn't work, well, I have no interest in revisiting this ultra-lameness just to try to get it to work again. For those of you with old Quicktime players though, enjoy the two minute first episode of the web serial that (thankfully) never was.